Senator MOORE (Queensland) (17:42): I move:
That the Senate-
(a) notes:
(i) That the Centenary of ANZAC approaches, and
(ii) two commemoration sites on ANZAC Parade in our nation's capital remain incomplete; and
(b) recognises:
(i) the community groups which are seeking to raise funds to build the memorials that have been approved for these sites, and commends their work,
(ii) the National Boer War Memorial Association which aims to enshrine the beginnings of Australian military history when 23 000 men and women from Australian colonial and Commonwealth contingents fought in the war in South Africa, and
(iii) the Australian Peacekeeping Memorial Project which seeks to complete a national memorial to recognise the over 90,000 Australians who have been deployed on peacekeeping missions.
Question agreed to.