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The Australian Government has a website, Australia.gov.au to assists business and community organisations and community projects in finding the right grant.

The website has been set up to help you find government information and services

Information on grants is provided by relevant portfolio agencies and Government departments.

The information submitted may be passed on to the government agency responsible for providing the relevant service.

Please visit the Australia.gov.au website for more details.

Queensland Government Grants

The Queensland Government has a question wizard to assist individuals and organisations in finding the right grant.

Business Grants

Grants and other funding programs are available from the Australian, state and territory governments and in some cases from local councils.

Generally there are few grants available for starting a business, and those that are available are competitive or are only available for specific circumstances. However, there are grants and other assistance available for business activities such as expanding your business, research and development, innovation and exporting.

First Home Owners' Grant

The First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) scheme was introduced on 1 July 2000 to offset the effect of the GST on home ownership. It is a national scheme funded by the states and territories and administered under their own legislation.

Under the scheme, a one-off grant is payable to first home owners that satisfy all the eligibility criteria.

National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ)

The National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ) provide a range of bursaries on an annual basis.

Full details for the available bursaries, including the closing dates for applications, are available on the NCWQ website.